
Clam Soldiers Series- Show Your Colour 蜆兵遊戲之 展翅計劃


After the series of fishbone sculptures, Joe used the shells and toy soldiers to make new works. To show her interest of biology, she tried to present her idea more playfully.
The clam and spiral shell soldiers were firstly set under the plaque of Queen’s Pier. Two lines of soldiers guarded the last days of the Queen; they are the spirit from the sea, wanted to protect their homeland until they die. The second phase of the soldiers series which will cooperate with Artiple, it is a interactive game invited buyers to work out, each soldier they reserved will have a special camouflage clothing which depend on the colour and pattern of his shell. The idea of this work is showing the unique character and attitude of the person, no matter how little or common are the clam and the toy soldier. The artist also hopes to remind the audiences the importance of every citizen to participate the social development although the Queen’s Pier is no more existing.


Ki Wong said...

hi, you works are nice! would like to introduce you a website called 阿簡生物筆記 http://a-chien.blogspot.com/
he is not an artist but a bio teacher, his post is very very interesting, sometimes teach audience hoe to find bones from the Nature. BTW, I got some dead dog's teeth and bone from the Nature and did photo works...it is already 10 years b4.

Joe Lui said...

Thank you for introducing ths blog to me, i will check it out!

Jocelyn Tam said...

that's just too cute!!!



Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.